American Perspective #012 (pt 01) Gina Godbehere for Maricopa County Attorney ~ with Patriot_Mom007

1 year ago

I thoroughly enjoyed sitting down with Gina Godbehere to learn about her dedication to the our state, our citizens, our law enforcement officers and court system here in #arizona. She is no-nonsense, tough on crime and caring towards victims!

Gina Godbehere is a Republican candidate for Maricopa County Attorney. Gina was born and raised in Arizona and currently resides in the west valley, where she lives with her husband and two children.

She is driven by her desire to affect positive change in her community. As a career prosecutor, she is committed to equal justice for every individual and to be an advocate for victims of crime. Gina is also well known for her belief that criminal justice reform is best accomplished through prevention and is personally committed to providing opportunities for the youth of her community to overcome the complex issues that too often lead to negative outcomes.

Most recently served as the City of Goodyear Prosecutor, leaving that position to dedicate herself full time to her campaign to be the next Maricopa County Attorney of #Arizona and has the support and backing of the majority of counties and law enforcement agencies in our state.

Prior to becoming Goodyear’s Chief Prosecutor, Gina had over two decades of experience in the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office (MCAO), serving as a Bureau Chief and trial attorney in assignments with a wide variety of bureaus, including Juvenile, Gang, Homicide, and the Repeat Offender Unit.

During the 25 years she devoted to MCAO, Gina played an integral role in developing the first Juvenile Drug Court, implementing the Juvenile Transfer Offender Program, served as Maricopa County’s designated Bias Crimes Prosecutor for over a decade and has tried almost a hundred felony jury trials.
KEY ISSUES Gina intends on tackling once in office;

1) Make Maricopa County Safer and a More Secure Place for Our Family and Friends/ victim centric prosecution agencies

2) Provide cost effective legal services to Maricopa County.

3) Address the homeless, substance abuse and mental health issues facing too many of our Arizona citizens in 2022, and ensure all offenders are held responsible

4) Address the high volume of cases that currently are being turned down or being downgraded to misdemeanors and sent to Municipal Courts, allowing criminals to serve less time in jail than is appropriate for the crimes they commit.

Gina has received ENDORSEMENTS from the majority of law enforcement agencies in Arizona and over 40,000 law enforcement officers. Including; Chandler, Peoria, Glendale, National #Border #Patrol, Arizona #Police Association, Phoenix, Maricopa Community College Police Officers Association among others! These agencies and many more back Gina Godbehere and support her candidacy to become the next County Attorney of Arizona in the August 2nd #primary #election!

Gina is also the CEO and Co-founder of “Speak Up Stand Up Save a Life,”
a valuable and much needed organization dedicated to identifying and solving complex societal issues such as substance abuse, bullying and the rising teen suicide rate in Arizona.
From Peoria to Gilbert, Phoenix to Glendale, Tucson to Flagstaff, Public and Private schools alike are banding together by caring enough to learn how to speak up and stand up in the face of bullying, depression and suicide.

The odds of dying from #substanceabuse or accidental opioid overdose in the US surpass those of dying in car accident. In 2018, unintentional injury was found to be the leading cause of death in the US -- nearly twice as many as from cancer and heart disease combined.

#bullying is all about prevention: teaching kids how to identify BULLYING and how to stand up to it safely. When adults respond quickly and consistently to bullying behavior, they send the message that it is not acceptable.

#suicideprevention ~ SUICIDE is the 3rd leading cause of death in youth ages 10 - 24, and results in approximately 4,600 lives lost each year. With the right tools, we can do something about it.

#mentalhealth NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) says 20% of youth ages 13-18 live with a MENTAL HEALTH condition, and approximately 50% of students age 14 and older with a mental illness drop out of high school.
10,000 students, school employees, parents, law enforcement officers and community leaders attend the annual conference designed to enhance school safety, empower youth, and help prevent the tragedies. FIND OUT MORE:

"We agreed that real change for this issue could be achieved for students here locally, but to have a true impact it needed to involve every sector from schools to law enforcement, to community resource partners and local leaders" ~Gina Godbehere~

For more events and Patriot_Mom007 Merch: 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

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