Intake Manifold Replacement Recommended With New Engine

2 years ago

It's not as well know as it should be. But, intake manifold replacement is a must on some vehicles when catastrophic upper end engine damage has occurred. In this video I have a great example of why this is needed after replacing an engine due to this type of failure. Many intake manifolds used on today's vehicles are complex with several passage ways inside the intake manifold for air to travel through. These complex designs make it near impossible to remove debris that may have gathered inside th intake manifold due to catastrophic upper end engine failure and in some cases lower end engine damage.

Note: While the scenario used in this video involved replacing the intake manifold along with a new engine not every scenario will look the same. You may be able to repair the upper end engine damage without complete engine replacement. In these cases it may still be recommended to replace the intake manifold.

Note: This is an informational video and not a "how to" video. The information will not apply to every vehicle out there. Please refer to a reputable repair manual and any information that may come with your new, used, or remanufactured engine for proper and fitting information.

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