Puppy Training Classes Frimley Camberley Dog Trainer Behaviourist Hampshire Surrey and Woking

1 year ago

https://www.puppytales.uk/puppy-training-classes-frimley-camberley-dog-trainer-behaviourist/ #puppytales #surrey #hampshire #guildford #woking #ewell #basingstoke #farnborough #aldershot #camberley ★ Under 6 months of age, choose the Wizard 121 training in your own home. We travel to you in and around the catchment areas of Surrey, Hampshire and Berkshire and visit your home for intensive coaching sessions.
★ For puppies under 20 weeks of age we offer concurrent puppy school classes which are on a rolling 12 week schedule throughout the year:
★ Monday Tuesday and Wednesday evening classes, once every 2 weeks, (except bank holidays).

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