7 Things About Gun Ownership I Wish I Knew Sooner

1 year ago

1. Self-defense is a lifestyle. The more you train and practice situational awareness, the more it becomes apart of your subconscious.
2. The more comfortable your holster, the more likely you are to carry everyday. Obviously it won’t feel like “nothing”, but it shouldn’t be extremely uncomfortable.
3. Your edc (everyday carry) may evolve over time as your needs change and as you learn more about your firearm.
4. Flying with a firearm in your checked luggage is a fairly simple process. Check the reciprocity of that state you’ll be traveling to.
5. The more you train, the more certain concepts will all come together. It could be training with a specific instructor or just the amount of time you put in at the range or dry fire that can spark aha moments.
6. Owning a firearm isn’t a guarantee you won’t be shot! And even for non violent events like car accidents, knowing how to stop the bleed is a good skill to have.
7. The range is to confirm what you’re practicing in dry fire. You shouldn’t need hours upon hours of range time or to use tons of ammo each visit. But hey if you can do it in these times of inflation…more power to you 🤘🏾 let me get a dollar 😂

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