how can yawl stare at a screen for so long?

1 year ago

don't worry, not gonna get a smartphone
the camcorder failed to record my most recent comic performance
petty and dramatic and always throwing hissy fits (society)
good to be in a fuck the world mindset
i just had to fix the memory card, that's it (a fork did the trick)
based on principle i don't want a smartphone
why would you choose this shit _____ over God
i inspired a black dude, that's all that matters
he told me n ronnit to make a trip out to chattanooga...we just might
whiskers on my chin that i'm trying to pull out
women get all kindza things that they don't want you to know about
this black comic talked about giving to homeless people (one reason i don't wanna $ to go away)
technology is this constant tornado
a constant F-5 way worse than anything the govt could plan
people don't give a fuck about anything anymore
lack of awareness vs. total apathy
we still have to try to find the lost sheep
i talked to my comic fren ralphie for awhile about eastern religions...the west is death
old people problems over here
ronnit told me try being 5,000 years old
her Spirit is holy not so much her actions and words, haha (my words aren't holy either)
people that are naturally funny always seem like they're performing
i am gonna get this whisker, i am determined
why ronnit and i are so tight
i dunno how people got this impression that the usa is christian
the founding fathers were deists, so paganism was totally in
what is a secret society?
i sympathize w/ patriots but...
technology is designed to rot our brains
why are so many people on drugs if this civilization is so great
i can't even waste one whole day on the internet
only time will tell if i got that be continued

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