Ep. 62: Factors Limiting Deer Abundance in the Upper Peninsula with Biologist Kristie Sitar

1 year ago

On this episode guest biologist Kristie Sitar discusses, Factors Limiting Deer Abundance in the Upper Peninsula, a report she co-authored. She breaks down the data used in looking at the factors that are contributing to a decline in buck harvest in the UP of Michigan. From degraded habitat, hard winters, and predation, each play a role in affecting the deer population.  We discuss each in detail in regards to the correlation these factors have with buck harvest. We close with the current state of the UP's deer population and what can be done to help a declining deer herd. Check out the report for yourself by following the link below.     

Factors Limiting Deer Abundance in the Upper Peninsula
Authored by Kristie Sitar and Brian Roell, June 2021



Vampire Vamp30 - AM

By bhzimmy 

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