ag yells at street sign (again)+ag's personal rules (what are yours?)

1 year ago

do yawl hate it when ____
you go, no YOU go...EGO
fuck you, children are NOT at play
i hate residential areas even more than school zones
my content is soooooo redundant we know
bitching about technology, women, the system, untreated personality disorders (meds don't help at all, meds guarantee school shootings)
the general state of society is always bad
one maybe three polemics that legit give a fuck (i love you lauren and adam)
this flip phone is good verification of practicing what i preach
unconventional means has way more perks i promise
let's focus on suburban america
a long time ago this was just trees n rocks
if the news is fake, why do i watch it?
if politicians lie and rape kids, why do i vote?
if i don't get modernity and think it's destroyed my gender, why shave?
fuck that bitch, social networks are satanic
common sense as well as a conscience, that's all (why most don't get it)
i didn't wanna use it anyway
ag is always right about inconvenient things
nobody is happier or better off becuz of "progress"
"communication" hahahaha
the ends don't justify the means
the system thrives on the products that you buy
these reactionary types don't do shit for america
you're just throwing it all away
shooting yourself in the foot publicly (social media)
but you are fixin to run outta bullets mf

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