Uncovering the Dogon Tribe’s knowledge of the STARS: Did Aliens Teach Them?!

1 year ago

In this video, we'll be exploring the fascinating story of the Dogon tribe in Mali Africa, and their knowledge of the existence of the Sirius star system, in particular the star Sirius Bee, that is invisible to the naked eye and was only discovered in 1862 with the help of telescopes. The Dogon tribe date back to 3200 BC and have 400-year old artifacts that depict the Sirius configuration as well as 13th century celebrations of the Sirius A and B cycles. Some people believe that the Dogon could not have known about this invisible star without some kind of extraterrestrial help or advanced technology. So, let's dive into the mystery and see what we can find.

The Dogon tribe is known for their unique culture and traditions, which have fascinated many anthropologists over the years. In the 1930s, French anthropologist Marcel Griaule, trekked through the forbidding desert in search of the Dogon tribe, and became fascinated by their legends and stories. He noticed an eerie similarity to ancient tales found across the globe of amphibious gods who came from the sky, lived in the sea, and helped mankind. The Dogon called these gods Nomo, and they described them as mermaid or merman like beings who bequeathed lots of knowledge of astronomy, math, and science to this ancient race.

The arrival of the Nomo is known as the Day of the Fish. The Dogon priests claimed that the Nomo descended from the sky in a loud whirlwind of a storm of thunder, smoke, and lightning. They said that these extraterrestrial gods needed a watery environment to live-in, though they could come on land. Griaule learned that the Dogon believed the Nomo came from the star system Sirius.

Sirius is one of the closest stars to Earth, and for thousands of years, it has played an outsized role in the imagination of many cultures, including the Greeks, Persians, Hindus, Romans, Polynesians, and Egyptians. The Egyptians based their calendar on Sirius A, and some believe they aligned the Giza pyramids to Orion's belt, which points to this star system. In astronomy, it is a known fact that there is a Sirius A, and a Sirius Bee. Sirius A, is the brightest star in the sky, and Sirius Bee is a dying star that can only be seen with advanced high-powered telescopes, Yet the Dogon had perfectly mapped it out long before its invention.

The mystery is how could the Dogon have known about the existence of Sirius Bee, long before it was discovered by astronomers? They knew that the orbits of the two stars were about 50 year periods and that the invisible star was very dense and past its prime. They also knew that the brighter one was a larger star than the sun, and that Sirius Bee is about the size of Earth and spins on its axis. There is no logical explanation for how the Dogon tribe could have known about the Sirius star system naturally, without telescopes or advanced technology.

Some people believe that the Dogon's knowledge of Sirius Bee, suggests that they had contact with extraterrestrial beings who gave them this information. Others suggest that the Dogon may have had advanced technology that allowed them to see things that were invisible to the naked eye. Still, others propose that the Dogon inherited this knowledge from ancient civilizations that had this knowledge long before modern astronomy.

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