Apr 12 - What does it feel like to be near a Tall White?

1 year ago

TOPICS: What does it feel like to be near a Tall White?

JWST “will be used in April 2023 to announce a discovery” in TRAPPIST-1 system
Email from viewer comments on UAP craft
- Video recorded in Medellin, Columbia, 2022

“Senate holding new hearings on UAPs April 19” - Roswell Daily Record
- Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick from AARO (All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office) in Pentagon to speak

Reader feedback on glowing orbs, ETs, out of body experiences, UFO craft

Interview from 2021 with “Benji”, an aerospace engineer, describing being in the presence of a tall white
- “earth humans might have been annihilated a long time ago by reptilians”
- “their minds are directly connected to yours”
- “they want data, not stories”
- “they don’t like how we feel”
- “the invisible force that hits you..literally makes my brain hurt”
- “this is why we’re paralyzed”
- experience meeting tall white, Christmas 1998
- “he was showing me what we were going to be facing a takeover of our planet”

Deep Space Season 4 Series at Gaia network: https://bit.ly/lmh_dsseries


Upcoming appearances:

Portal To Ascension
Dates: April 21-23, 2023
San Diego, California
Web page: https://www.AscensionConference.com
Tickets: https://ascensionconference.com/tickets/

Contact In the Desert
Dates: June 2-4, 2023



Earthfiles YouTube Channel podcast: https://podcast.earthfiles.com

Truth Hunter Season 2: https://www.gaia.com/earthfiles

• Gaia Truth Hunter...


Earthfiles Books and DVDs:


A Strange Harvest:

A Strange Harvest 1993:

An Alien Harvest:


Contact Linda directly:
Email: earthfiles@earthfiles.com

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Linda Moulton Howe
P. O. Box 21843
Albuquerque, NM 87154

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— Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100...

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