Lessons from Exodus — Will We Fully Follow Christ?

1 year ago

Will we fully follow Christ? The stories of Caleb, the leader of Judah at the time of the Exodus, and Jeremiah and the generals of Israel at the time of the Babylonian captivity, are linked by this common thread. We are all called upon to make a choice as to whether we will do God's will and fully follow our Great Shepherd . Most of the adults of ancient Israelites who left Egypt did not follow through on their promise of obedience to the Lord God. They allowed fear and doubt to overwhelm them and forgot all of God's miracles. Much later the people of Israel when confronted with the spectre of Babylonian tyranny also lacked the faithfulness needed to follow through on their promise. So what does God expect of his people and what were the lessons that Paul reflected on when describing our ancestors in the faith and their journey from Red Sea to the Promised land?
Let the scriptures encourage you in your walk so you can fully follow Christ.

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