1 year ago

One of the complaints levelled at the Warren Commission Report is that its account of the movements of Lee Harvey Oswald is frequently flawed. The Report's version of his trip to Russia seems impossible. But what of the Alleged Assassin's movements in Dallas? Some have suggested it wasn't possible for him to walk from his rooming house to the Tippit murder scene in the time the Report allowed...
So, in 2011, accompanied by the Texas Theatre's fearless programmer, Barak Epstein, I set out to take the alleged perp's walk, and see if it was possible. We got lost along the way, but as you'll see in this real-time recreation, it was possible for Lee to get there in the alloted time...
But, for me, a question remains: Why?
The Commission claims that Oswald left his house to go to the picture show. But the Texas Theatre was pretty much a straight walk from his rooming house. So why did Oswald turn left? Was he planning to meet someone? Was it Officer Tippit?

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