Is Alvin Bragg Trying to SILENCE the Truth?

1 year ago

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who is leading the latest witch hunt on the Left to stop former President Donald Trump from retaking the White House in 2024, just filed a lawsuit against Rep. Jim Jordan for challenging his legal campaign.
The real reason DA Bragg is going after Rep. Jordan now is likely that Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee leading an investigation of Bragg’s case against Trump, just subpoenaed former prosecutor Mark Pomerantz, who previously ran an investigation into Trump, and even wrote a book about it.
Pomerantz refused to cooperate with Congress, so they sent him a subpoena. That immediately triggered Bragg to swoop in with a lawsuit to try to stop the House Judiciary from grilling Pomerantz in an attempt to obstruct congressional oversight. Are your eyebrows raised yet? This is how the radical Left works when they realize they’re not getting their way. They desperately start slinging everything and anything at the wall to see what sticks.
As Jordan himself tweeted last night:
"First, they indict a president for no crime.
Then, they sue to block congressional oversight when we ask questions about the federal funds they say they used to do it."
The New York DA’s complaint essentially claimed that Jordan’s subpoena is demanding confidential information that could jeopardize an ongoing investigation. The problem is Pomerantz already laid out everything in his book.
This lawsuit, like the indictment itself, is little more than another Leftist smokescreen. The truth is they just want to stop Trump at any cost – including shredding the Constitution if need be. Rep. Jordan called Bragg out, but Bragg had already gone all in by issuing the indictment. This flimsy lawsuit was apparently the only card the DA had left to play. Now we will see if Rep. Jordan calls Bragg’s bluff.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more analysis by the Sekulow team of DA Alvin Bragg’s lawsuit against Rep. Jim Jordan. We’re also joined by ACLJ Senior Counsel for Global Affairs and former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

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