Deep Dive Bible Study | 1 Kings 22: 1-53: Don’t be a Dingbat- Drawing Biblical Relational Boundaries

1 year ago

Have you ever been gullible?
Do you need to establish some boundaries in your life?
How do you establish relationship boundaries?

If you're single-- particularly if you're single, because who you marry is the second most important decision in your life, you need to draw boundaries.

If you're married, you need to draw boundaries around your married life. The Scripture says to leave mom and dad and cleave to your spouse. You have to draw relationship boundaries for your children and your family too.

And, here's the most important one if you are a Christian: you MUST draw boundaries around your life that you might not be aware are necessary. What are they? We'll dig into First Kings chapter 22 to find out!

So, grab your Bibles and let's go!

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Start [0:00]
▶ Relationship Boundaries [1:30]
▶ Relationships are the most important factor if you want to serve the Lord [4:20]
▶ What is a "Gullible Spirit"? [12:00]
▶ Bad company corrupts good character [13:20]
▶ Theodicy: Does God create evil? [30:24]
▶ What can those who stand up for God's Word expect? [36:30]
▶ How to NOT be a "Dingbat" [47:56]
▶ Who do you need boundaries from? [59:00]
▶ Did Jesus have boundaries? [1:02:40]

Tim Hatch Live: 3 Podcasts; 1 Location:

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📖 Deep Dive Bible Study with Tim is a weekly Bible devotional study to help refocus your week and purpose as a child of God. The book of Romans, live on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 EST.

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