1 year ago

We have absolutely loved getting involved in 3D printing since the first printer we purchased back in 2021. Our second printer, an Ender 3 Max, has been our biggest go-to printer with a 300 mm by 300 mm print bed. In 2022, Creality updated the underline of printers with the Neo line, and I actually picked up an Ender 3 V2 Neo in December. I've absolutely loved it, and I'm thrilled to be able to add an Ender 3 Neo Max to my print farm.

Right from the box, the Neo Max was super easy to get up and running. Assembly literally required the installation of 4 screws to attach the gantry, plugging in the screen, and attaching it, and that was it! Now, I did swap out the stock hot end for a Micro Swiss NG Direct Drive Extruder, which was about an hour process.

Creality includes a couple of test files on a micro SD card with the printer, but I wanted to print something fun for a first print. I hit up Thingiverse and found a file for a Charmander Pokémon. I sliced it using a @FilamentFriday 0.28 layer height profile and got to printing. Unfortunately for me, on the first print, I forgot to change my retraction settings. When you go from a bowden style setup that the Ender 3 Max Neo comes with to a direct drive, you need to change some extrusion settings. Specifically the retraction settings. I was dumb and forgot to do that, which led to some over-extrusion and other minor issues on my first print.

Realizing what I had done, I immediately tweaked the file and went to print it a second time. This time, the print turned out beautifully well, and I was absolutely thrilled with the results.

Let me know what you think of this print, I'm already in love with the Ender 3 Neo MAX, It provides the large print bed area of my Ender 3 Max and combines it with newer hardware of the Neo line. I am truly excited to see what this printer can do in the future.

#3DPrinting #Pokemon #Ender3MaxNeo #Charmander #FilamentFriday #FirstPrint #Creality3D #fyp

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