you CHOOSE to get on your phone all the time *you have free will

1 year ago

the empty tomb can fill an empty heart, so true!
that sky is beautiful tho
why i play piano when i drive around
religious exemption planning for the future
the turn signal is the sound of effective communication
not into organized religion like at all
Orthodoxy is not well advertised becuz we are not extravagant in our endeavor to rope people in
the billboards tend to be scare tactics
God is all-powerful hence the fear of Him
at any given point He can switch it up and take all this away at His discretion
their denial is proving how real God is
trusting the "science" that is politically correct always
pray all those chemicals away
just cos you can't see it don't mean it's not there
everything's a psych op, no point in praying for it to stop
forcing people to do what they keep running from
everything has been happening for as long as homo sapiens have been in existence
nothing new under the sun so all this is pretty unoriginal
the things you CAN change you refuse to change
you won't change cos you don't want to
it's always you that is the problem
you've convinced yourself of a lie to get by
america will never be done screwing us over

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