Troubsko - Lessons in Dowsing

1 year ago

The more I dowse the lines, the more I learn and hopefully, the better I get at it. Troubsko is a case in point. At the very beginning of my dowsing work, I was following a Type 1 line and found it passed through the church of the Assumption of Mary in Troubsko. The church is on a hill and dates back to the late 17th Century. It was built on the site of a 13th Century church and I suspect this location is even older as a site of worship.

My mapping led me to this church and then the line seemed to swing around almost 90 degrees and head to the church in a nearby village. When I first started talking to Rory Duff, he suggested that Type 1 lines are fairly straight and maybe I had followed one line in and another out? I didn't want that to be true...I didn't want to be wrong. However, I asked a friend one lunchtime to come out to the site and dowse.... yep - he found another line!

We only had a short lunch break so I didn't do anything other than learn to dowse this other line as well. Within a few weeks, I had discovered Type 4 lines and my attention had shifted to the Templar line.

But the lines won't let you get away with sloppy work. So, when I was following a Type 4 line in my area one evening last week, I was not surprised to end up back in Troubsko. There, I discovered that the line my friend had dowsed was a Type 4 negative line. The positive pair passed through the cemetery meters away.

Lessons to be learned? Always.

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