UK Column News - 12th April 2023 - Full

1 year ago

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, David Scott and Debi Evans with Wednesday’s UK Column News.
Guests: Dr Bruce Scott.

00:35 Creepy Joe and ‘Rushine Sinuk’ Taunt the People of Ulster
20:00 Woke Virus Culture—How does the Pope know what sex is like?
27:51 Scotland: The First Rape Is Free "Because Brain Science"
45:12 Updates And Forthcoming Events
48:04 NHS: The Doctor Won't See You Now—But You Can Get
59:03 Squalene And mRNA In You
1:03:52 West-East Prison Swaps
Russian Trade Analysis—What have sanctions done?
1:13:54 Flu, Bird Flu, Whatever Flu—Vaccine For You
1:17:12 And Finally: Military Exercises in the Western Pacific


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