medical Malpractice

1 year ago

This evidence is plutonium. Collected 10 years of my records showing dozens of malpractice cases. Doctors pushing Pfizer or i lose them as patient. I am supposed to be dead according to my file. Only reason i am here is because I went to a private clinc paid $$$ went to USA and all my problems solved.
43 000 medical malpractice deaths in Canada last year.

Jan - April of this year 26000 medical malpractice deaths so far.

Health Canada kills Canadians via pharma profits.

You think Covid 19 deaths and fraud and corruption is something NEW. You're out of your mind.

Our free healthcare has been killing more Canadians then all the wars put together. Millions ever deacde.

Wake up sheep.

Wake up.

Pharma funds medical schools btw.

This file is a hunter biden level exposure of medical murder for profit

If i end up dead . I didnt OD and i didnt commit suicide. I would take a warriors death.

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