New Batman Beyond Comic Announced, Three New Star Wars Movies Incoming, and more!

1 year ago

This week the guys discuss the news from Star Wars Celebration, a new Batman Beyond Comic announced, and more!

Don't forget the guys talk about the comics they are reading off the shelves from last week, and as always all of the news fit for print.

Comics we discuss in this episode:
The Ambassadors #1
Unstoppable Doom Patrol #1
Dark Knights of Steel #10
My Bad Vol 2 #5
Planet of the Apes #1
Unicorn Vampire Hunter #1
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #11
Cosmic Ghost Rider #2
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2
Waller vs. Wildstorm #1
Daredevil #9
Planet Hulk: World Breaker #5
Thor #32
Star Wars: Jabba’s Palace #1
Action Comics #1053
Batman #134
Saga #63

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