Russia: Agenda To Invade USA (likely in Winter of 2024 or 2025)

1 year ago

Treacherous Freemasons want their NWO phoenix to rise as they pirate the hard labours of the sheeple. There is too much resistance from the constitutionalists, so foreign armies of haters of the USA will be sent to the USA... China generals were trained by Canadian Freemasons how to fight in the winter conditions (look it up). (Don't just laugh at the idea.)

The wings of their Fiery Phoenix are folded over the USA. This means Freemason traitors to humanity will attack the USA now... to rise their NWO of thUgs.

Celestial is a brainchip-puppet preacher.
She is under the influences of a covert Brain-Computer-Interface(BCI) which the Freemasons secretly installed into her Christian world of bible reading.
She was selected by Homo capensis to be the USA harbinger of the NWO-Agenda.
The A.i. generated voice in her head is the same voice that commands the brainchip-hivemind-army of traitors to the USA and the human species. The commands come from the desires of the ancient, hidden, Homo capensis species exposed by Karen Hudes and Brien Foerster.

Your challenge in life is to put in your best effort to see through this next attempt to use A.i. (and their rebuilt Tower-Of-Babel) to extinct your species off of your native Earth birth-place.
This means all ethnic groups will be eventually exterminated after divide-and-conquer is used by Freemasons and Templars.

Hivemind Freemasons will lead the NWO tyranny over the USA once the Russian army goes back to Russia.
Communism will be installed with Freemason killing whomever they want without repercussions. Currently the Freemasons have to hide all their murders and assassinations.

Celestial is giving you the information from the Agenda of Homo capensis through the "voice of god" weapon:
The weapon is real and the Agenda2030 is as real as that Freemasons were behind the demolition of the World Trade Center on 9/11.

All the secret society minions have allowed their soul-fragments to be twisted into wickedness and thus they are lost in integrity. The very fact that they will not try to save their species from extinction is a sign of unworthiness. They will need to have a change in faith in order to "save their souls." But the non-murderous souls trying to save their species from extinction are still with integrity and have the challenge to save their species and then spiritually expand into high-level physical beings.

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