Trump Hating Dalai Lama Apologizes After He Asks Boy to Suck His Tongue

1 year ago

In the First Clip, The Dalai Lama is interviewed where he calls President Donald Trump, "too emotional" and that he "lacks a moral compass." That's rich coming from a man who just asked a young boy, in public, to "suck my tongue."

Then in the second clip, a boy asks permission to hug the Dalai Lama and congressmen applaud the Dali Lama kissing a 10-year-old boy on the mouth and then asking the boy to suck his tongue.

Many people reacted on twitter with disgust and as a result, the Dalai Lama issued an apology on April 10, 2023.

Was it a honest mistake from an old man or was it a disgusting display of pedophila grooming? Who is really lacking the moral compass? I can give you one hint: It's not Donald Trump.

Link to Video on Twitter:

Link to Video on Twitter:

Link to Dalai Lama's apology tweet on Twitter:

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