1 year ago

BANNON: Wednesday tw 12 April on the year of our Lord, 2023, BBC in Taiwan media are reporting that, the largest naval exercise thing combined a naval oxide between the Philippines and the United States. 17,000 airmen, sailors, Marines, army, soldiers. 12,000 of those that would be over that's a carry battle group, or over a division of troops have completed this exercise now north of the Philippines and off of Taiwan.
As the exercises Taiwan has announced, has announced a no-fly zone, the CCP has announced a no-fly zone, very sketchy about what they're calling for, but a no-fly zone north of Taiwan. As this starts to heat up, President Trump, a very powerful interview last night with Tucker Carlson. I do take umbridge with, Xi & I had a great relationship.
I just wanna remind the president that if they didn't purposely let off the bio weapon from the Wuhan lab and it, it inadvertently escaped from the lab, which is my theory of the case, but it was a bio weapon of that. There's no doubt they exacerbated that. And the reason they exacerbated that is to end your presidency because you're the first president ever in American history. Or actually take on the Chinese Communist Party and start to bring them to their knees, which is what we have to do. If we do not heed this warning, if we do not heed the warning to go unrestricted warfare against the Chinese, which they are on with us right now, then we're gonna ruin the day because I'm telling you, a fight in the South China Sea in a fight off of Taiwan, even if we were to win the kinetic war, it would be momentarily and it would be a great cost

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