RETREAT ALERT 🌍✨ Not to be missed Mauritius Qi Transformation Retreat, 18-25 July 2023.

1 year ago

VIVIDEARTH Mauritius Qi Transformation Retreat - July 2023

Transform your Qi (life force energy), raise your frequency, develop mind-body-soul connection and renew your outlook on life with our 7-day, 6-night Qi Transformation Retreat this coming July on the exotic, energetically powerful island of Mauritius.

This authentic retreat is led by Qigong & Taiqi Master, Shirfu Dr Michael Lan who grew up in Mauritius and was trained in the original, authentic lineage of the Yan Taiqi style more than 30 years ago, and is facilitated by his wife, entrepreneur turned truth seeker & wellness enthusiast, Anina Malherbe-Lan, who will ensure that every detail of your Retreat experience will be expertly curated and carefully considered to ensure an unforgettable week.

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