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#acetylcholine #neurotransmitters #cheapceus

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Video by Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes on integrative behavioral health approaches including counseling techniques and skills for improving mental health and reducing mental illness.

- Review the function of Acetylcholine
- Identify mood and behavioral disorders associated with acetylcholine imbalance
- Explore interaction between acetylcholine and other neurotransmitters and hormones
Function of Acetylcholine
- Stimulating skeletal muscles, smooth muscles dilation of blood vessels, slowed heart rate, increased body secretions
- Memory and Learning
- Attention
- Cognition
- Motivation
- Arousal
- Promoting REM sleep
- The central nervous system undergoes several dynamic changes during sleep, which are mediated by norepinephrine, serotonin, and acetylcholine.
- Sleep contributes to memory and brain plasticity and triggers overnight learning
- Immunity: During infection this immune-derived ACh is necessary for the T cells to migrate into infected tissues
Implication in Mood and Behavioral Disorders
- Alzheimer’s patients have low acetylcholine levels
- Parkinson’s
- Delirium: Caused by acetylcholine deficiency and dopamine excess, relative to each other
- Anxiety: In excess compared to other NTs, acetylcholine increases anxiety
- nAChR agonists
- Can improve mood and cognitive performance in depressed individuals
- regulate mood, anxiety, and aggression related behavioral states
- Excess
- Increases hypervigilance
- Increases fear learning
- Increases anxiety
- Increases CB1 receptors promoting eating
- Contributes to rumination and reduced psychological flexibility
- Can cause delirium, confusion, headache, or drowsiness
- Increased body temperature and flushing
- Increased blood pressure
- Increases the release of gastric acid
Acetylcholine and Mood
- Unipolar Depression
- AChEI: Worsened depression (induced in controls)
- mAChR agonist: Worsened depression (induced in controls w/ cannabis and with Alzheimer’s)
- Antimuscarinic: Antidepressant
- nAChR agonist: Antidepressant in non-smokers
- Bipolar depression
- AChEi: Worsened depression
- AChR agonist: Worsened depression
- Antimuscarinic: Antidepressant
- Bipolar mania
- AChEI: Reduced mania
- AChR agonist: Reduced mania

- Acetylcholine is not often talked about but is a necessary excitatory neurotransmitter
- Acetylcholine interacts with gonadal hormones, thyroid hormones and several neurotransmitters
- Acetylcholine is important for energy, memory, attention, regulation of muscle contraction and much more.
- Choline is necessary to make acetylcholine
- Tyrosine is necessary to make acetylcholine
- Too much acetylcholine contributes to anxiety and irritability, too little contributes to anhedonia

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