Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Skills and 12 Steps

3 years ago

Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Qualified Clinical Supervisor. She received her PhD in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Florida in 2002. In addition to being a practicing clinician, she has provided training to counselors, social workers, nurses and case managers internationally since 2006 through #ACT #acceptance #12steps #cognitivebehavioral
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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Skills and 12-Steps
Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes PhD, LPC-MHSP, LMHC
Executive Director, AllCEUs
CEUs available at:

- The Goal of ACT
- What is Mindfulness?
- How Does ACT Differ from Other Mindfulness-based Approaches?
- What is Unique to Act?
- Destructive Normality
- Experiential Avoidance
- Therapeutic Interventions
- Confronting the Agenda
- Control is the Problem, Not the Solution
- Six Core Principles of ACT

ACT Acronym
- Accept your reactions and be present
- Choose a valued direction
- Take action

- ACT is based on relational frame theory (RFT)
- a psychological theory of human language.
- developed largely through the efforts of Steven C. Hayes of University of Nevada, Reno and Dermot Barnes-Holmes of National University of Ireland, Maynooth.

- Relational frame theory argues that the building block of thought is the ability to create links between things and create schema that help people anticipate the future.
- Stoplights
- Lightning and Heat Lightning
- Pain
- Distress
- Addictive behaviors
- Certain behaviors in other people
- Contextualists understand the complexity and richness of a whole event and subsequent emotional and behavioral reactions through appreciation of the uniqueness of its participants and features of each situation.
- Large movements
- Substance use
- Functional contextualism emphasizes:
- We learn how to describe and anticipate through experiences
- We must focus on changeable variables in the context to create general rules to predict and influence psychological events such as thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
The Goal of ACT

- The goal of ACT is to create a rich and meaningful life, while accepting the pain that inevitably goes with it.
- Who is important?
- What is important to me? (Values, things, experiences)
- How can I move toward those goals?
- “ACT” is a good abbreviation, because this therapy is about acting based on our deepest values and in which we are fully present and engaged.

- The goal of ACT is to create a rich and meaningful life, while accepting the pain that inevitably goes with it
- Being aware and present in the moment
- Destructive Normality the psychological processes of a normal human mind are often destructive, and create psychological suffering. “This is depressing. I am helpless”
- Actions designed to avoid the experience in the present
- Therapeutic Interventions focus around two main processes:
- Developing acceptance of unwanted private experiences which are out of personal control.
- Commitment and action toward living a valued life.
- Confronting the Agenda (to eliminate distress)
- Explore sources of distress
- Explore prior attempts at removing distress
- Explore effectiveness
- In the short and long term
- Specific to the problem and other areas of life
- Six Core Principles of ACT
- Diffusion– Separate self from feelings/experience
- Acceptance—Accept what is
- Contact with the present moment– Mindfulness
- The Observing Self– Fly on the wall
- Values Identification
- Committed Action

Video by Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes on integrative behavioral health approaches including counseling techniques and skills for improving mental health and reducing mental illness.

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00:00 intro
03:35 Relational Frame Theory
11:01 Goal of ACT
19:05 What is unique to ACT
23:50 Experiential Avoidance
30:50 Confronting the agenda
36:41 Cognitive Defusion
41:32 Acceptance

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