Characteristics of a Trauma Informed Workplace

3 years ago

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NOTE: ALL VIDEOS are for educational purposes only and are NOT a replacement for medical advice or counseling from a licensed professional.
 What is a Trauma Informed Workplace?
 How Does Trauma Impact Staff, Clients and the Organization Itself
Trauma and the Organization
 An estimated 70 percent of adults in the United States have experienced a trauma (employees, caregivers, providers…)
 This means that traumatized individuals who are likely reenacting their own trauma dynamics are the ones running the environments in which people are supposed to recover from trauma.
 Organizations are living, adaptive systems which are vulnerable to stress, particularly chronic stress.
 Organizations can be traumatized and the result of traumatic experience can be devastating

What is a Trauma Informed Workplace
 An organization that recognizes
 Trauma is any event that overwhelms our ability to cope.
 Most people have experienced trauma, although most do not have PTSD
 Prior traumatic experiences influence how people perceive and react to events in the present
 Clients, staff and the organization all can experience trauma, have trauma triggered within them and trigger trauma in the other two
 What types of trauma have you experienced? Your staff? Your clients?
 Think of problem behaviors from staff or clients. In what ways might each of those be a response to triggered trauma?
 How many of those people recognize their reaction as a trauma response?
 How might it impact your organization if clients and staff are being triggered?
Organizational Trauma
 Organizations are living entities that are “born,” develop and grow and can be hurt or “killed”
 The C-suite executives are like the brain.
 Staff is like the nervous system that sends messages to the C-suite and responds to the environment created by other staff, the executives, and clients
 Like individuals, when an organization experiences a trauma, that event alters the way all parts of the organization perceive and react to future situations
Organizational Trauma
 The organization as a whole experiences harm or a threat of harm as a result of direct actions or triggered memories of prior trauma (budget cuts, failed audits, supply chain disruption, lawsuits).
 The organization as a whole experiences a sense of unsafeness (could be shut down) and disempowerment (even though we are doing the right things (or think we are))
Staff Trauma
 The staff members experience harm or a threat of harm due to direct actions of clients, the organization, other staff or due to triggered memories
 The staff members experience a sense of unsafeness (could be hurt, fired/laid off, disciplined) and disempowerment (even though they are trying)
Client Trauma
 The clients experience harm or a threat of harm due to direct actions of staff, the organization, other clients or due to triggered memories
 The clients experience a sense of unsafeness (lack of trust/could be hurt) and disempowerment

Org Policies Trigger Client
BARES Necessities in a TI-Workplace
 Build resilience in staff, clients, organization
 Awareness of the impact of trauma on development, perception, coping strategies and behaviors in staff, clients, organization
 Recognize and mitigate trauma triggers in the environment for staff and clients
 Empower staff, clients through voice/choice and CRAVES
 Safety & respect of staff and clients through nonviolent communication and cultural competence

Video by Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes on integrative behavioral health approaches including counseling techniques and skills for improving mental health and reducing mental illness.

AllCEUs provides multimedia counselor education and CEUs for LPCs, LMHCs, LMFTs and LCSWs as well as addiction counselor precertification training and continuing education.

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