Masterful exposition of the danger posed by the Lipid Nanos and of spike protein detection method

1 year ago

A great, in-depth discussion of the nature of the Lipid Nanoparticles, their tendency to accumulate in reproductive organs, and in the liver and the spleen, and of the spike protein. The origins of the bioweapon now styled "corona" are also treated of. It is amazing how, even at this late stage of the Last Battle of the present maha-yuga, a stage which began in earnest in 1944, the main intellectual and scientific challenge to the NWO comes not from the Anglosphere, but from Germany, or from people of German origin. This time, Michael Palmer (M.D.) sets forth in great detail why the LNPs are inherently dangerous (a fact that was of course known to all the progenitors of the new "vaccines") and the method used by eminent pathologists like Arne Burkhardt to color and detect the terrible spike. Even as she is slowing being choked to death by the Hidden Hand and its Hexagonal Blood Libels, Germany is not without honor.

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