Psalm 45 v1-6 of 17 "A noble theme inspires my heart with verses for the king" Ps 45a Tune: Wetherby

1 year ago

Psalm 45 "A noble theme inspires my heart with verses for the king"
Tune: Wetherby
Falkirk Free Church
The image is only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; it is not intended as a one-to-one correspondence.
image: William Brassey Hole - Solomon

PSALM 45 (a) C.M.

1 A noble theme inspires my heart
with verses for the king;
My tongue’s a skilful writer’s pen,
composing lines to sing.

2 You far excel the best of men;
your lips are full of grace,
For God has blessed you evermore;
his light shines on your face.

3 O mighty one, take up your sword
and bind it on your thigh;
With glorious splendour clothe yourself
and with your majesty.

4 Ride forth in state victoriously
for meekness, truth and right;
Let your right hand display your deeds
of awesome power and might.

5 Let your sharp arrows pierce the hearts
of those who hate the king;
And all the nations of the earth
into subjection bring.

6 Your royal throne, O God, will last
throughout eternity;
Your kingdom’s sceptre will be one
of truth and equity.

7 Anointing you with oil of joy,
your God has made you great,
Because you care for righteousness,
and wickedness you hate.

8 With aloes, myrrh and cassia
in fragrant robes you’re clad;
From palaces of ivory
stringed music makes you glad.

9 Among the women of your court
king’s daughters take their stand;
The royal bride in finest gold
appears at your right hand.

10 O daughter, listen and give ear,
consider what I say;
You must forget your father’s house,
your people far away.

11 Because your beauty is so great,
the king is held in thrall.
He is your lord; give him respect,
before him humbly fall.

12 Inhabitants of Tyre will come
to offer gifts to you;
And wealthy people will approach
your favour to pursue.

13 In glorious gold-embroidered robes
the princess waits within;
14 In richly ornamented clothes
she’s brought before the king.

Attendant maidens follow her
and so to you are led;
15 They enter and with great delight
the palace courts they tread.

16 In places where your fathers stood
your sons will take their stand;
You’ll make them princes of the realm
to rule throughout the land.

17 I will perpetuate your fame
through everlasting days;
Therefore the nations of the world
will ever sing your praise.

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