Eldrazi Tron|Magic The Gathering Online Modern League|Some Very Close Matches!!!!

1 year ago

Eldrazi tron is Mono Green Trons little brother. Can the scrappy aggro tron build do some damage in this meta? Let's find out!

Deck: Eldrazi Tron
Designer: Tectonic Edge
Format: MTG Modern League Match
Good Games Mononofu, Cntrlfreak_ttv, Tmanthebeast, Fellow Youtuber BERNASTORRES Geisted !

MAIN DECK4 Chalice of the Void3 Walking Ballista4 Expedition Map1 Relic of Progenitus1 Warping Wail3 Dismember4 Matter Reshaper1 Karn, Scion of Urza4 Karn, the Great Creator4 Thought-Knot Seer4 Reality Smasher2 Ugin, the Ineffable1 All Is Dust1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon1 Blast Zone1 Cavern of Souls4 Eldrazi Temple2 Swamp1 The Mycosynth Gardens4 Urza's Mine4 Urza's Power Plant1 Urza's Saga4 Urza's Tower1 Wastes

SIDEBOARD1 Engineered Explosives1 Tormod's Crypt1 Walking Ballista1 Pithing Needle1 Relic of Progenitus1 Liquimetal Coating1 Ratchet Bomb1 The Stone Brain1 Warping Wail1 Ensnaring Bridge1 Mystic Forge1 Phyrexian Metamorph1 Skysovereign, Consul Flagship1 Wurmcoil Engine1 Sundering Titan

00:00 - Intro
00:11 - Eldrazi Tron
02:25 - Match 1 VS Grixis Death's Shadow
37:43 - Match 2 VS Dimir Flash
1:03:27 - Match 3 VS Boros Burn
1:17:44 - Match 4 VS UB Mill
1:32:23 - Match 5 VS Dredge
1:59:34 - Treasure Chests!

Recording Date April 12th, 2023

If your reading this like the video!

#MagicTheGathering #MagicTheGatheringOnline #MTGO #MTGModern #MTGLeagues #MTG #PhyrexiaAllWillBeOne #TectonicEdge #UrzaTron #1+1+1=7 #eldrazi

Thanks For Watching!

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🎮Discord: https://discord.gg/PRxkcXcxVc
🃏Deck-list: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5547562#online
🆚Check Out BERNASTORRES: https://www.youtube.com/@bernastorres
🗼My Archetype: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/archetype/eldrazi-tron#online
🥇Online 5/0s: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/player/Tectonic_Edge
🏆Tournament Wins: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/player/Hunter%20Edge

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