76 04 18 0805C He Is Risen Apr 18 1976 Dr. Wierwille Mat; Rom; 1Co; Act; Col; Joh

1 year ago

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Scripture Index -
A: Matthew 26:31-33; 27:40, 43
B: Matthew 27:43, 54; 28:1, 2, 4, 5
C: Matthew 28:5-7; Romans 8:34; 1 Corinthians 15:12-20
D: 1 Corinthians 15:20; Acts 2:33; Romans 10:9; Colossians 3:1; John 3:16

Jesus Christ had been crucified and the adversary had done everything he could to bring fear to those people. And when those women got there on what we refer to as Easter Sunday morning, the angel, the first thing he said to those beautiful women was fear what? Not. Be not what? Afraid. Boy, oh boy. What a message.
[Matthew 28:5] ...for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was [or who was, past tense, what?] crucified. [Right.]
[6] He is not here: [there it is] for he is risen,…
He is what? Risen. He is risen. And I can see their eyeballs getting like [hen’s eggs 00:16:20]. Real big. What, what do you mean? Risen. What do you mean?
He said, come on, come on over here. See the place really. Go on. Go on. Let’s go look. They look, and what they saw blew their minds. That wrapping was all intact, still laying there. A little spot for the nose, mouth. The napkin that had covered it had been neatly folded, laid up in a corner of the sepulcher. There it was, nothing in it.
Boy, there are no descriptive words in any man’s vocabulary to describe that, because it was an experience that none of us have had and therefore it is just not as real to us as it would be had we seen the wrappings with the napkin and no body in the wrappings.
Show you something. It’s so simple. I got a casket. Has a man in it, clothed. You come next morning, I open it – the night guard’s there, everybody there – I open it, you look in. Nothing in. I think it’d singe you, wouldn’t it? Boy, and those people were as human as you are. Just imagine the electrifying reality of that occasion, people, with the best of your ability to think it through.
[Matthew 28:6] He is not here: for he is risen,
He’s risen. He’s risen. He said, see the place they’ve what? Laid him.

[Matthew 28:6 & 7] Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly, and tell his disciples [tell his disciples] that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth [forth] before you into Galilee; there shall ye [what?] see him:

What a tremendous reality. You know, in the book of Romans 8:34,

[Romans 8:34] Who is he that condemneth? [Shall] It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is [what?] risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also [who also makes what?] maketh intercession for us.

The risen, ascended Jesus Christ makes intercession for the believer. Us. The born again believer. The church. Golly, that’s wonderful to have somebody like that interceding for us.

Then why you feel so badly day after day when you need a little intercession? It tells you in God’s Word he’s already what? Interceding for you. Accept his intercession. Walk with the greatness of God’s Word in the great love of God in Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 15:12 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from [among] the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of [what?] {the dead}?

They had the problem then, back in the time when Paul, by divine revelation, wrote to the church that had sort of messed up in Corinth. Some of the people were saying that Jesus Christ never rose from the dead.

Sounds like God had this written this afternoon. Some people still say it. I think, wasn’t it a year or so ago when we had a periodical that gave the analysis of ministers across the United States who believed in the return of Christ? Was that 90% did not believe he’d ever come back? I forget the fact. Well, if even 1% believed he wouldn’t come back, the 1% at least shouldn’t stand in the pulpit. But if 90% or more believe he’s not coming back, what do you think the people are going to believe? That’s what they’re going to believe.

Well I’ll tell you, they can all believe what they want to believe. I’ll believe what the Word says. And the Word says he’s coming back. That settles it. If he doesn’t come back I’ll be the happiest man that ever lived. But if you don’t believe and he comes back, you’re going to be miserable. That’s right. And he’s coming back. He’s coming back.

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