"We're coming for your children"

1 year ago

All these faggots in this video are pedophiles. Every single one of them. I hate them all. Every single one. There's not a single one that doesn't deserve to die a brutal death for being a constant threat to children. Now they want to gaslight and shame you for wanting to protect your children of all people from them. They falsely accuse you of being a criminal for refusing to give up your kids to them but the real criminals are these evil, demented scumbags for trying to rape your children and then weaponizing them against their own parents. Though if you send your kids to drag shows to be exposed to dirty pigs in thongs, then you're just as evil as them. If you have any kids going to school, especially public school, stop sending them there. They are being groomed by pedophiles there and if they are there long enough, they will be weaponized against you. Fuck schools, fuck drag shows, fuck the LGBT shit crew that wants to molest your children through their indoctrination and fuck the police because guess what, they are protecting these monsters, which makes them just as much of a monster themselves. FUCK THE POLICE. They deserve to be defunded. That's what they deserve for protecting pedophiles instead of the children. Believe it or not, this is the government's conspiracy to normalize pedophilia because these government officials are child rapists and they want their sick, twisted desires to be accepted by society. Screw that, I'll never accept them. I'd rather put them in the wood chipper instead. None of them should be breathing.

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