Article Video - Good Faith Violated by Foreign Trusts, Fraud, and Non-Disclosure By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article Video - Good Faith Violated by Foreign Trusts, Fraud, and Non-Disclosure - Sunday, April 9, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claims, March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:
We have repeatedly observed the formula, or template, that has been used by the offending Municipal and British Crown Corporations to surreptitiously take over entire countries.

This same formula or template has been used with small variations to take over Britain, The United States, India, the Commonwealth countries, most of Western Europe, Japan and South Korea as well as many other nations being impacted and influenced by it.

The template calls for takeover of the lawful national governments by their own associated "territorial" governments, so that if it is even noticed, the military putsch is assumed to be part of the normal functions of the legitimate government during time of war, or as they mischaracterized it in our case, during some kind of "national emergency".

Then, in the absence of any actual war or national emergency or any other logical excuse whatsoever, these territorial forces remain entrenched, occupying land that doesn't belong to them, racking up costs for their unnecessary and unwanted services, and racketeering against their actual employers.

The territorial government provided by the military acting under contract then assumes command and control and asserts a "protective custodial interest" in the people and assets of the country; using this as their backstory, they begin illegal confiscation of the public assets and natural resources and private property of the victims of this mercenary ruse.

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