CMT and Budweiser: Forcing Wokeness on Consumers | The Beau Show

1 year ago

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CMT (Country Music Television) embraced drag queens in a recent TV special, and Budweiser picked transgender TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney for a new ad campaign. Neither move was based on consumer demand and increasing sales. High-profile corporations are forgoing common business sense and bending backward to woke ideology—which, at its core, speaks to a repudiation of their consumer base. Instead of respecting and speaking to the identity and needs of their consumers, companies push the woke agenda on them instead.

The way to change culture is to force it, not suggest it. Specific people of a particular ideology are being placed in positions of power, and with the help of the media and Big Tech, they are infiltrating and influencing culture. These recent acts by CMT and Budweiser are not an attempt to serve their consumer base but rather to normalize political ideologies and influence yet another demographic.

#CMT #budweiser #dylanmulvaney

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