End of the Innocence by Don Henley ~ Our Innocence is ONLY Lost, but it can be Found...

1 year ago

One of the very best Songs to come out of the 1980's was the composition by Bruce Hornsby (Music) and Don Henley (Lyrics), known as the End of the Innocence...but the song was Not a Depressing composition, far from it, it was in fact, very Inspiring, because within the Song both Men made it very clear that our Stolen Innocence (perpetrated by Organized Society, the Cabal) was only Lost, but it could be easily found...

[Pre Chorus]
'Oh, but I know a place where we can go
Still untouched by men
We'll sit and watch the clouds roll by
And the tall grass waves in the wind

You can lay your head back on the ground
And let your hair fall all around me
Offer up your best defense
But this is the end
This is the end of the innocence'

The World we find ourselves LOST within, represents the End of the Innocence, where Lawyers pick over All Details, but again, our Innocence is only Lost, not gone forever...we can ALWAY find our Innocence again by going WITHIN ourselves to the Kingdom of God...Life has always been a game of Lost and Found, because Evil can NEVER take away anything bestowed unto us by God, Evil can only HIDE it; thus, if we AWAKEN to the Cause, and begin to Seek for God with all of our Might, then we can FIND everything that had been Lost along the Way, including our Child-like Innocence...

And all we need to do is to REJECT the World of Men, for that of God...and Jesus Christ has already Shown us the Way...thru the Path that is Strait and Narrow, thru Virtue, where we Live our Lives to become our Namesake, ManKIND...and then, and only then, does our Innocence come Flooding back to us, in Spades...

The Road to Heaven is found WITHIN YOU, Deep Within the Stillness and Silence that is God; thus, Meditation has always been this Pathway that leads to Heaven, as it takes U on your Inner Journey, just like Jacob did, where you will come to meet God Face-to-Face in a place called Pineal...

Love, CF

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