Military Intelligence Website predicted in 2015 that 260M in the US would be gone by the year 2025

1 year ago

GLOBAL DOMESTIC TERRORISM: Military Intelligence Website predicted in 2015 that 260 Million people in the United States would be gone by the year 2025. Doctors confirm this is a war on humanity and domestic terrorism by the DOD, WHO, WEF, Bill Gates, Pfizer, Moderna and others.

Dr. Peter McCullough states Albert Bourla and other Pfizer Executives are committing Domestic Terrorism. They are criminally lying that there are no safety warning signals from the Covid Vaccines. Pfizer's own data showed 1223 deaths within 90 days of the vaccine.

U.S. Attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. states the death rates from the Covid Vaccines exceed billions of combined vaccines from the last 30 years. Studies show 680,000 deaths in the U.S. from the Covid Vaccines. The Pfizer trial showed a 500% increase in heart attack deaths. Pfizer guilty of criminal deception.

Dr. Peter McCullough goes on to say that all the insurance companies are blowing up with deaths. The mortality rate for the younger age group is way up. The vaccine accelerates death from other causes.

If someone has cancer it accelerates that, if someone has heart disease they are more likely to have a fatal heart attack and stroke. The vaccines cause fatal blood clots in the brain and lungs. All the athletes dying on the field are from the vaccines. If the goal was to reduce the world's population it is working.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea MD, PhD states we are right now in World War III and that's not a conspiracy. Humanity has been attacked. We are fighting for the human species. 5.3 billion injected and we do not know how this technology is related to the died suddenly phenomenon.

Dr. Peter McCullough states I'm going to be very clear about this, the vaccine is killing people and it's killing large numbers of people. Dr. Roger Hodkinson states 20 million global deaths directly attributed to the vaccines. 20 million deaths due to the clotshot.

The main people behind this mass genocide and war against humanity are the following war criminals:

Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Tedros Ghebreyesus, Alex Azar, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, Christian Drosten, Albert Bourla of Pfizer, Stéphane Bancel of Moderna, Klaus Schwab of the WEF, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, the DOD, BlackRock, Joseph R. Biden, George Soros, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Ursula von der Leyen, Boris Johnson and many others.

They have all been charged with genocide and war crimes against humanity in violation of article 6 and 7 of the international criminal code and have been ordered to be immediately arrested by Interpol and all 194 nation member state law enforcement agencies around the world.

And if they do not do their sworn duty then it is up to us the people to do what must be done. It is within our lawful innate human right to defend our lives, our countries and to make citizen arrests of these war criminals in order to stop them from further crimes of mass murder and genocide.

Humanity united together has all the power in the world to stop them. Together we will bring justice to these criminals who have murdered millions of innocent people and who have stolen our lives.

We must act now to win this war, for they are planning another deadlier pandemic, a world war and a financial collapse in order to achieve their ultimate goal of total world control of a reduced population.

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