Private 1 on 1 Training - Tactical Cowboy Training Solutions

1 year ago

1 on 1 training has become a staple at Tactical Cowboy Training Solutions. The main focus of Tactical Cowboy Training Solutions is to teach how to properly use life saving skills and progress students to partake in simulated scenarios in preparation for, God forbid, the day they must use their skills to defend themselves or their loved ones.

Tactical Cowboy class options are as follows, but not limited to…

Pistol & Rifle Mechanics (Beginner to Advanced)

Safety & Familiarization

In-Home Defense & Security

Emergency Medical

Close Quarters Battle

Small Unit Tactics

Precision Marksmanship

Night Vision Operator

If you would like Tactical Cowboy to aid you on this journey of protecting your family & yourself please visit our scheduling tab in the upper right hand corner or feel free to reach out at / (815)-503-2969 for a free consultation.

“Measure Twice - Cut Once”

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