Rifle Shoot and Maneuver - Tactical Cowboy Training Solutions

1 year ago

Breakdown: This course will be focused on the many disciplines that are involved in carbine marksmanship along with shooting and maneuvering with a team mate.

These include but are not limited to improving on the mechanics of presenting the weapon on target from various start positions, perfecting trigger squeeze / recoil anticipation, ensuring each student has a strong understanding of the various shooting positions available to them, providing a solution to engage targets with accuracy while on the move, and how to effectively shoot & maneuver with a team mate while engaging multiple threats.

This event will only be opened to 8 participants and will be taught by the members of the TCTS mentorship team consisting of former Army Rangers, Marines, and Green Berets. Plan to train throughout the day with little breaks. At the end of this course you will have a new level confidence with your weapon system.

Over the day the students will be graded on a point system that will include marksmanship / shoot & maneuver tactics. All will be taught prior to testing. An overall score of 80% or higher will be required to receive a graduation certificate.


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