Words Matter

1 year ago

Fullness of Life Ministries presents The Catholic Docs as Women at the Well with Dr. Cindy and Dr. Cydney, (a program of Sanctus Salutem).

Today, the Docs discuss how words impact our psychology, which in turn lead to certain behaviors. The softening as well as corruption of language has been the tool of the left to destroy truth and silence opposition. Unfortunately, it appears in many ways it is working through the use of fear, which elicits fight, flight and freeze. Fortunately, the Docs highlight powerful words of wisdom from Scripture and St. Thomas Aquinas as well as discuss the importance of decreasing our own emotional responses before acting.

Dr. Cindy and Dr. Cydney are Catholic women who each have a doctorate in a field of psychology and are teaming up to bring the world of psychology and Catholicism together!

We want to help humanity embrace the truths of our human condition and especially encourage everyone to re-embrace their God given role as men and women in the Church Militant. We will do this by using psychology from a Catholic perspective to help men and women identify the deception of the culture and navigate away from the world to focus solely on our Lord through the model of Jesus Christ and our Blessed Mother.

**Questions for "Ask the Docs” may be sent to: fullnessoflife@sanctussalutem.com
All other inquiries may be sent to: sanctussalutem@gmail.com

#wordsmatter #psychology #Saintthomasaquinas #Catholic #thecatholicdocs #corruptionoflanguage #marxistagenda #leftist #destructionoftruth

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