8 Months Cost Them $800,000!!

1 year ago

While visiting Lazy Magnolia Brewing Company, the oldest brewery in Mississippi, we sat down with our friends Jason Bowdle & Jess Kennedy to document their node journey with #TheDebtBox and how their lack of education cost them $800,000!!! Don't make the same mistake they did!

If you want to learn more about how you can get paid daily from #craftbeer and see a full presentation go to www.nodelife.me
#cryptocurrency #richdadpoordad

If you want more information and step by step tutorials you can download my FREE APP here: https://www.changenowapp.com/ Click on TAKE THE RED PILL! #nodes #cryptocurrency #passiveincome

If you want to see my other ways of making passive and residual income click on the link below. Using any of these will help to support this channel.


#commodities #blockchain


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