Self-Remembering and Faith.

1 year ago

#spirituality #thefourthway #knowthyself

I came across George Gurdjieff's Fourth Way mystery school teachings via the work of Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt in 2018. Here was a teaching for the modern age. Where the student learned the teachings and then was tested by living and being in the world, not retreating from it. Gurdjieff's 'self-remembering' work is perhaps the most interesting part of his teachings for me.

Through work, action, being in the body, not the mind, or attempting to find samadhi and escape the body, Gurdjieff's work brought me to greater understanding of service and embodiment. It also brought me to a deeper truth around my faith that with intention I have aligned with forces unseen to my senses that guide me to always keep me safe.

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