GTA Liberty City Stories - Final Boss + Ending 4K Ultra 60 fps

1 year ago

Toni klaps Massimo Torini and gets jipped out of 500k.

GTA Chronological Game Movie Playlist:

Watch the full game movie on 4K Ultra here:

Played on the PCSX2 nightly AVX2 emulator.

Mods used:
60 fps hack. (Make a txt file called 7EA439F5.pnach and paste the following code inside "patch=1,EE,202D92C4,extended,00000000" no quotations insert into cheat folder.)

Texture pack mod:

PCSX2 settings (think I had wild arms disabled and you will need to lower the EE cycle rate to 100 for certain loadscreens/cutscenes to load and the game itself load sometimes):

#gtalibertycitystories #grandtheftautolibertycitystories #grandtheftauto #gta #gtaps2 #modded #pcsx2 #libertycitystories #libertycitystoriespc #4kultrahd #4k #60fps #4kuhd #tonicipriani #newyork #libertycity #mafia

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