Blue Candle

1 year ago
Blue is for Water and the West, dusk, and autumn. A blue candle is placed in the nine o’clock position.

Water represents love, relationships, sympathy, intuition, reconciliation, harmony, healing, and the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, natural cyclical evolutions from one stage to another as opposed to changes made consciously under the auspices of Air.

It is also potent for fighting floods, cleansing seas, lakes, and rivers of pollution, in campaigns to provide fresh water in arid places, in all initiatives towards world health and the care of whales, dolphins, seals, and endangered sea creatures.

Like Earth, Water represents the yin, a female goddess in the form of the Moon Goddesses. Surround your Water candles with silver objects, seashells, and pieces of coral or, for the lunar goddesses, mother of pearl and moonstones that grow brighter as the Moon waxes.

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