For the first time, trains will run from Canada to Mexico on a single line

1 year ago

America’s railroads are a story of duopolies. Not all rail companies compete directly with each other. CSX versus Norfolk Southern in the east. Union Pacific versus BNSF in the west. While duopolies reign in the east and west, there is more competition in the middle of the country. In the Midwest, these rail companies compete against Canadian National and Canadian Pacific. Canadian Pacific will operate the first trains that can run from Canadian ports, through the Midwest, and into Mexico. This now presents the option for customers to have one train line haul cargo end to end, from Canada to Mexico.
On April 14th, Canadian Pacific completed its purchase of Kansas City Southern. It was approved by the US government because of the end-to-end nature of the merger, that is, there are no overlapping tracks or shared customers.
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