TURTLE WAX GRAPHENE INFUSED TO THE MAX WAX - Can It Survive The One Coat Test? - Realistic Detailing

4 years ago

#turtlewax #autodetailing #graphene

TURTLE WAX GRAPHENE INFUSED TO THE MAX WAX - Can It Survive The One Coat Test? - Realistic Detailing. Turtle Wax has developed an entirely new product line. The Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Pro lineup includes the Precision Platelet 1& Done Compound, the Graphene Infused Flex Spray Wax and the Graphene Infused To The Max Wax. All of these detailing products offer your vehicle the upmost protection, slickness, shine and ease of application!

HUGE THANK YOU to Turtle Wax for sending me a bucket full of detailing products including the entire Hybrid Solutions Pro Product Line plus some microfiber towels, a buffing towel, some polishing pads, applicator pads and even a Grit Guard! They even went above and beyond to send me a disinfectant spray for the interior too! Very Cool!

Watch and see how I go over the wax details, specifications, application and removal process. My 2021 Jeep Wrangler Sport Unlimited JL had a Super smooth and slick finish afterwards! Plus a mirror-like reflection that was incredible! The depth of color was even amazing too! Easy on, Easy off! Definitely an auto detailing wax to add to your arsenal!

Instagram - Garagegearjb


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Turtle Wax Graphene Infused To The MAX Wax

Turtle Wax Precision Platelet 1 & Done Compound

Turtle Wax Graphene Infused Flex Spray Wax

Microfiber Wax Applicator Pads

Soft Foam Wax Applicator Pads

Microfiber Detailing Towels - Remove Wax Safely And Easily

Microfiber Towels

JB from Garage Gear is a member of the Amazon Affiliate Program.

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