Overmedicated Liberal Rantings Reveals Harmful Effects of Drugs

1 year ago

"Do not self-medicate, friends."

That was the warning from the overmedicated liberal best known for her crazed rantings as a result not just of self-medication but also obvious overmedication. Most likely she, like a lot of other liberals, had their minds deranged by being overmedicated as children by doctors which has become common in the past 20 to 30 years. What caused this overmedication starting at a young age? Big Pharma profits which inspired many doctors to prescribe drugs to treat common problems of youth which in the past they finally learned to cope with on their own and left behind as they grew up. Unfortunately, as you can see from the deranged rantings of this liberal, many people find it difficult to impossible to escape their dependence upon mood altering drugs which were prescribed to them from a young age.

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