Dr. Andrew Kaufman. Prepare to believe that viruses don't exist. (Full video on BitChute).

1 year ago

WARNING:- Be prepared to believe that viruses don't exist.

Who is Dr. Andrew Kaufman? This is my chat with him along with a synopsis of his work questioning the whole theory around contagion.

Watch the full video here https://www.bitchute.com/video/KEG2b8A3AQgi/

I met Andy at a conference in Mexico, the world famous Anarchapulco and where else but at Max's bar.

I have prepared some of his information for context to explain his hypothesis but I met Andy the man and it was great to see the person behind Dr. Kaufman. He opened up about some personal challenges he has faced in the last few years.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman is a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist and Molecular Biologist who received his training and degrees from Duke University, MIT and South Carolina Medical University. He says there are no such things as "viruses" and the "Coronavirus Global Pandemic" is a "manufactured event."

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did putting this together.

Here are links to some of Dr. Kaufman's work.

links https://www.bitchute.com/video/TXargSbVp7E/

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