Psalm 17 v1-8 of 15 "Declare me innocent and vindicate my name" To the tune Dennis. Sing Psalms

1 year ago

Psalm 17 verses 1-8 of 15
"LORD, hear my righteous plea and listen to my cry"
tune: Dennis
Sing Psalms version
Falkirk Free Church
The images are only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; they are not intended as a one-to-one correspondence. It is more like a visual cross-reference.
The trial of Naboth from the The Art Bible (1 Kings 21)
The silver trumpets (Numbers 10)


1 LORD, hear my righteous plea
and listen to my cry;
It does not rise deceitfully
or come from lips that lie.

2 Declare me innocent
and vindicate my name;
LORD, may your eye see what is right
and free me from all blame.

3 Though you examine me
and probe my heart and mind,
And though you test me in the night,
yet nothing you will find.

I said, “I will not sin
in anything I say.”
4 From those who practise violence
I have kept far away.

From every evil path
by your word I’m preserved.
5 My feet have held to all your ways;
from them I have not swerved.

6 I call on you, O God,
for you will answer me;
O turn your ear towards my prayer
and hear my earnest plea.

7 Display your steadfast love
and save with your right hand
All those who flee for help to you
when foes against them stand.

8 In shadow of your wings
hide me in times of strife;
And as the apple of your eye
preserve and guard my life.

9 Hide me from ruthless foes
who follow wicked ways,
From those who circle me about
and seek to end my days.

10 They close their callous hearts;
they speak with swelling pride.
11 They dog my steps; my enemies
are found on every side.

They fix their eyes on me
to cast me to the ground.
12 Like hungry lions stalking prey,
they crouch without a sound.

13 Arise, confront my foes
and bring them down, O LORD;
Deliver me from wicked hands
and free me by your sword.

14 Save me by your right hand
from all such people, LORD,
From mortal men who in this life
will have their sole reward.

You fill them with good things;
their sons are satisfied.
They leave their children all the wealth
which they have set aside.

15 But I in righteousness
your face will surely see;
And with your likeness, when I wake,
I satisfied will be.

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