Fat Earther - Fear and Loathing in the Philippines

1 year ago

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fat-earther/id1677869091?i=1000608156211

This week the fellas talk about...

Vegas with old guys
Old guys taking drugs
Old guys doing DMT
Working at a bagel shop
Drugs at art school
John Mayer and the Dead
Ancient fentanyl
Crack head stanky leg
Pfffizer bath salts
Frisbee golf park ranger
Jerry Seinfeld Las Vegas show
Car full of cigarette lighter’s and 8 tracks
The burbs
Banks crashing
Ohio Chemical air
Trivia with my Indian co-workers
Strong Indian man super hero
Titanic plane crash
Flight full of us Marshalls
Phil Collins Tarzan Soundtrack
Phil Collins as Tarzan
Steve Perry/Arnel Pineda
Steve Perry/Arnel Pineda 2000
Gary Glitter
Blueface two times for the two times
2 cats, 1 dog, 1 lizard, no frog

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