Article Video - Red Flag -- Why Do They Keep Calling It "The Show"? By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article Video - Red Flag -- Why Do They Keep Calling It "The Show"? - Saturday, April 8, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

To all the Q-Anon and MAGA friends out there, I want you to stop a moment and think about the fact that you are listening to sources that are all associated with the British Territorial military subcontractors who have been in control of this "show" since 1863, and who have in fact created this entire mess.

So when they start talking about "shows" they are talking about "theaters" and "theaters of war" and the use of psyops--- both on the part of the regular military and any reformers, too. To them, all this political nonsense is like a stage show, and all they have to do is come up with a plausible narrative, an "acceptable storyline", to fool the public and quiet us down.

Then they waltz into our American Federal Republic and substitute their British Territorial Citizen selves for us, "as if" they were operating as honest Americans and as if they had any right to substitute British Territorial Citizens for Americans, and they "seize upon" American Government institutions and properties that belong to us and sit there pretending to "represent" us and being paid to defend us---while actually serving themselves and acting in Gross Breach of Trust.

That's how this country has gotten into the mess it's in: wanton deceit from public employees, and innocent people falling for their "shows".

Unfortunately, Mister Trump has already announced his intention to pull this Substitution Fraud, and there is plenty of historical precedent for the same actors doing the same thing in the past.

After the Civil War, the Brits came in and substituted their own "State of State" organizations for our American State of State organizations, and thereby gained control of our business operations without firing a shot.

Now, they are after another plum in violation of international law, and their only chance of pulling it off is if we are so clueless that we support them in the theft and Breach of Trust they have in mind.

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