Men with Slavery Brain 👇🏿

1 year ago

This issue is not just a Jamaican issue. Read “Slavery and the Black Family
By James Q. Wilson”

Here is the abstract:

The black people of the West Indies and of the US had one thing in common: Their ancestors were slaves.

Kinship connections in much of the world, and certainly in most of Africa, are more important than marital ones.

Children in West Africa are often raised by people who are not their parents.

And these kinship groups were broken up during the middle passage and by the sale of slaves in the West.

In America and the West Indies, slavery created more barriers for any father hoping to play such a parental role.

It is hard to imaging men would adapt to their new environment by suddenly acquiring what they rarely had–namely, long experience in child rearing and devotion to a single wife.

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